douhong1703 2015-02-11 11:01
浏览 14


I have function that take a csv file and generate file content in array. I need to write a phpunit tests. Goal is represend correctness of behavior when input is not present or unreadable (whether because the file is malformed or due to the lack of sufficient access rights).

I writed some code but i think it is to much simple.

public function testFileAcessForOther()
        $fileName = __DIR__.'/../data.csv';
        $permission = fileperms($fileName);

        $this->assertEquals(33204, $permission);

I have googled but didn't find much info about this.

Maybe you can help with some another test case?

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  • dqba94619 2015-02-11 11:18

    You can use assertFileExists to assert that file actually exist

    Then you can assert file permission with following code

    $filePermisson = substr( sprintf( '%o', fileperms( $fileToCreate ) ), - 4 );
    $this->assertEquals( "0777", $filePermisson );
    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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