duankui3838 2015-01-24 04:20
浏览 61

Omnipay PHPUnit Guzzle httpClient 404错误 - 模拟json

I'm new to OmniPay, playing around with it and trying to make a simple custom gateway, and create a unit test with a mock json http response.

In the GatewayTest.php I set a mock http response:

public function testPurchaseSuccess()

    $response = $this->gateway->purchase($this->options)->send();

    echo $response->isSuccessful();

    $this->assertEquals(true, $response->isSuccessful());

In the PurchaseRequest.php I'm trying to get it somehow:

public function sendData($data)
    $httpResponse = //how do I get the mock http response set before?

    return $this->response = new PurchaseResponse($this, $httpResponse->json());

So how do I get the mock http response in PurchaseRequest.php?

--- UPDATE ---

It turned out that in my PurchaseResponse.php

use Omnipay\Common\Message\RequestInterface;


public function __construct(RequestInterface $request, $data)
    parent::__construct($request, $data);

was missing.

Now with $httpResponse = $this->httpClient->post(null)->send(); in PurchaseRequest.php the assertions are OK, but when I use httpClient, Guzzle throws a 404 error. I checked Guzzle's docs and tried to create a mock response, but then again my assertions fail and 404 remains:


public function sendData($data)
    $plugin = new Guzzle\Plugin\Mock\MockPlugin();
    $plugin->addResponse(new Guzzle\Http\Message\Response(200));


    $httpResponse = $this->httpClient->post(null)->send(); 

    return $this->response = new PurchaseResponse($this, $httpResponse->json());


Any suggestions, how to get rid of the 404?

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  • dssj88098 2015-01-25 03:11

    Ok, so here is what turned out to be the solution:

    Original Problem

    This was missing from my PucrhaseResponse.php:

    use Omnipay\Common\Message\RequestInterface;
    public function __construct(RequestInterface $request, $data)
        parent::__construct($request, $data);


    public function sendData($data)
        $httpResponse = $this->httpClient->post(null)->send();
        return $this->response = new PurchaseResponse($this, $httpResponse->json());

    Solving the 404 problem in the update

    In order to prevent Guzzle from throwing exceptions I had to add a listener for request.error.


    public function sendData($data)
            function (\Guzzle\Common\Event $event) {
        $httpResponse = $this->httpClient->post(null)->send(); 
        return $this->response = new PurchaseResponse($this, $httpResponse->json());
    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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