dsdfd2322 2015-01-24 10:09
浏览 28


I have a bit of a tricky situation here....

I am pulling bookmarks from a service called Pinboard using their API's which works great - but - the category of the 'tag' (i.e. bookmark tag) is echoed out in full with hyphens.

The difficulty I am having is that I'd like the $tag in one instance to retain the hyphens (to allow for an anchor link using markup to work) - whilst - changing the same $tag that is echoed in the < h1 >

So for example one of the $tag is 'Latest-News' - and I'd like that $tag to be printed like this:

for the anchor tag: $tag will echo 'latest-news'

for the < h1 > tag: $tag will echo 'Latest News'

Any ideas how this is done?

Something like this might be on the right track (I hope! - I'm still clearly a n00b):

$str = str_replace("-", " ", $tag);
echo $tag;


        include 'pinboard-api.php';

        $pinboard = new PinboardAPI('myusername', 'xxxxxxx');
        $bookmarks_all = $pinboard->get_all();

        $bookmarks_grouped_by_tags = array();
        foreach ($bookmarks_all as $bookmark) {
            if (! empty($bookmark->tags) && is_array($bookmark->tags)) {
                foreach ($bookmark->tags as $tag) {
                    $bookmarks_grouped_by_tags[$tag][] = $bookmark;
            } else {
                $bookmarks_grouped_by_tags['no_tag'][] = $bookmark; 

        <?php foreach ($bookmarks_grouped_by_tags as $tag => $bookmarks) { ?>
            <a name="<?php echo $tag ?>">

         *****   <h1><?php echo $tag ?></a></h1>  *******

            <? foreach ($bookmarks as $bookmark) { ?>
                <a href="<?php echo $bookmark->url ?>"><?php echo $bookmark->title ?></a>
            <div><?php echo $bookmark->description ?></div>
            <?php } ?>
        <?php } ?> 


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