In angular im using $
for sending an id to a php script in order to use this id for a mysql request.
This is my controller:
function ProjectDetailsCtrl($scope, $http, $timeout, getGoodIdProjectDetails) {
$scope.idProjectDetails = getGoodIdProjectDetails.getId(); //Getting id project
$scope.url = 'scripts/findProjectDetails.php';
$$scope.url, { "idProject" : $scope.idProjectDetails}).
success(function(data, status) {
$scope.projectDetails = {};
$scope.projectDetails.details = data;
error(function(data, status) {
$ = data || "Request failed";
$scope.status = status;
is a number.
Then the Php script :
$idProject = json_decode($_POST['idProject']);
Php script returns that $idProject
is undefined.
Can you help me with this ?
Edit : I tried this way but my app crashed with this :
$["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
method: 'POST',
url: 'scripts/findProjectDetails.php',
data: "idProject" : $scope.idProjectDetails
}).success(function(data, status) {
$scope.projectDetails = {};
$scope.projectDetails.details = data;
error(function(data, status) {
$ = data || "Request failed";
$scope.status = status;
With the first example, in Chrome console, the "request playload" contain this : {idProject:1}
so I assume my variable is correctly passed through the php script?