dqwh1208 2014-07-21 09:52
浏览 12

too long

I install the xampp 3.2.1 and netBeans 8.0 last night, trying to make some Yii framework projects.

I try to config the phpUnit for netBeans and open tools->options->php->framework&tools

asking me for the phpunit script and I found out where it is, c:\xampp\php\phpunit.bat

but the next one is phpunit-skelgen, which I don't know where to find...

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  • duanjuduo4573 2014-08-30 07:02

    phpunit-skelgen in XAMPP for Netbeans can be added by using XAMPP shell.

    1. Go to XAMPP shell by opening XAMPP control panel and click the Shell button.
    2. Type pear install phpunit/PHPUnit_SkeletonGenerator. Press Enter to install phpunit-skelgen.
    3. Open Tools > Options > Frameworks and Tools. Click Search button alongside the Skeleton Generator Script. If phpunit_skeletongenerator has been installed successfully, it will show C:\xampp\php\phpunit-skelgen.bat.
    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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