I use the code below for sending ajax request to get more products on scroll down event. However it also sends ajax request when I scroll up, which is not intended. How can I modify it so that it will send a request only when I scroll it to the bottom?
_debug = true;
function dbg(msg) {
if (_debug) console.log(msg);
$(document).ready(function () {
$(".item-block img.lazy").lazyload({
effect: "fadeIn"
doMouseWheel = 1;
$("#result").append("<p id='last'></p>");
dbg("Document Ready");
var scrollFunction = function () {
dbg("Window Scroll Start");
/* if (!doMouseWheel) return;*/
var mostOfTheWayDown = ($('#last').offset().top - $('#result').height()) * 2 / 3;
dbg('mostOfTheWayDown html: ' + mostOfTheWayDown);
dbg('doMouseWheel html: ' + doMouseWheel);
if ($(window).scrollTop() >= mostOfTheWayDown) {
dbg("Window distanceTop to scrollTop Start");
doMouseWheel = 1;
dbg("Another window to the end !!!! " + $(".item-block:last").attr('id'));
dataType: "html",
url: "search_load_more.php?lastComment=" + $(".item-block:last").attr('id') + "&" + window.location.search.substring(1),
success: function (html) {
doMouseWheel = 0;
if (html) {
dbg('Append html: ' + $(".item-block:first").attr('id'));
dbg('Append html: ' + $(".item-block:last").attr('id'));
$("#result").append("<p id='last'></p>");
effect: "fadeIn"
} else {
//Disable Ajax when result from PHP-script is empty (no more DB-results )
$('div#loadMoreComments').replaceWith("<center><h1 style='color:red'>No more styles</h1></center>");
doMouseWheel = 0;