dpbz14739 2013-11-06 01:23
浏览 53


I'm quite new to symfony2 and I need some help with its routes.

I'm working on a bundle that works quit like a service. It receives data through QUERY_STRING and process this data according to internal rules and store its result in the database. For now, let's assume that this bundle is accessed by this route: http://myhost.com/processing

Calling this service through my computers browser works fine, as it should. So, here comes the problems.

1) The device that access this URL do not understand redirects; 2) I've to mask this URL with something like: http://myhost.com/proc.php, because some devices are with this URL and we cannot change them, so, my service has to be available at this two URLs.

Please, could you give me some advices about this? If you need additional informations, please, let me know.

My routes were:

Global routing.yml

  resources: "path/bundle/routing.yml"
  prefix: /proc.php
    expose: true

Bundle routing.yml

  pattern: /
  defaults: { _controller: XxProcessingBundle:Processing:index }

With the configuration above, when my device request http://myhost.com/proc.php?qs, it is redirected to http://myhost.com/proc.php/?qs. After this redirection, the device get lost and the requisition is not processed.

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  • douju3911 2013-11-06 21:29

    So, to avoid the incorrect redirection of my devices request, I've changed the routings as follow:

    Global routing.yml

      resources: "path/bundle/routing.yml"
      prefix: /
        expose: true

    Bundle routing.yml

      pattern: /proc.php
      defaults: { _controller: XxProcessingBundle:Processing:index }

    After change these configurations, there is no more redirection, and http://myhost.com/proc.php is processed successful.

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