I'm trying to write a script that will allow for a two column .csv file (1st column with names, 2nd with image urls) to be read, and the images to then be saved to my hard drive using the first column as the saved file name. I'm able to get some images to save (all the files are created, but some are missing data). The naming convention works the way I want it to, but I need to get all of the files. Anyone care to take a look? Might be worth mentioning that I'm using MAMP but the image addresses in the .csv are all valid (I echoed out the image address with tags, so I know they work).
//header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
//header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename ='
//Eli's 2 column CSV grab-n-save file
$file = 'Random.csv'; //put file path of .csv here
$buffer = file_get_contents($file);
$pattern = '/[,
$catch = preg_split($pattern, $buffer);
$keep_track = 0;
foreach($catch as $value)
if ($keep_track%2 == 0)
//if first column is sku
$name = $value;
$keep_track += 1;
elseif ($keep_track %2 == 1)
//if an image
$name = str_replace(' ', '',$name);
//Change pathname to MAMP specs
$name2 = '/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/picturegrab' . $name . '.jpg';
file_put_contents($name2, file_get_contents($value), FILE_APPEND);
//echo $value . '<br/>';
$keep_track += 1;
echo $name2 . '<br/>' . '<img src='.$value.'><br/>';