i want to check if a checkbox is checked through a mysql database request. it should be something like this (just a concept code, what of course isnt working) that should work probably with ajax, becouse i dont want to reload all the time:
$ergebnis = $mysqli->query("SELECT text,status FROM checkboxes where id=1 ;");
while($zeile = $ergebnis->fetch_array()) {
echo "<input type=\"checkbox\";
if ({$zeile['status']} == "true") {checked=\"checked\"}
echo " name=\"feld\" class=\"checkIt\"/>";
echo " {$zeile['text']}
echo "";
i have got 3 fields in the database. One text field where the text next to the checkbox shows up, a status field, where the script can see if something is "true" or "false" an a auto incrementation id. I hope you can help me