dqqvravff05370501 2014-02-13 01:20
浏览 40


I am entering URL's into my database and i was getting all possible entries

I have the following code that takes the http:// or http or www .com .co.uk away

but the problem is this

when I enter a site like hat.com its taking the 'h' away this happens with t, p, w, and if its .co.uk it only removes the .uk

$new = rtrim($url, "/");

$reverse = strrev( $new );
$new = rtrim($reverse, ".www");
$new = rtrim($reverse, "//:ptth");
$new = rtrim($reverse, ".www//:ptth");
$new = rtrim($reverse, "//:sptth");
$new = rtrim($reverse, ".www//:sptth");
$url = strrev( $new );

Whats have I missed and what would I have to add?

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  • douan3019 2014-02-13 01:26

    Using a regular expression will help here:

    preg_replace('~(^https?(://(www\.)?)?|\.com$|\.co\.uk$)~', '', $url);

    The regular expression used will match:

    • http, https, http://, https://, http://www., https://www. at the beginning of the string
    • .com, .co.uk at the end of the string.

    See this example:

    php> $url = 'https://www.example.com';
    php> preg_replace('~(^https?(://(www\.)?)?|\.com$|\.co\.uk$)~', '', $url);
    php> $url = 'http://hat.com';
    php> preg_replace('~(^https?(://(www\.)?)?|\.com$|\.co\.uk$)~', '', $url);
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