I am banging my head against a wall trying to figure out this error im getting in laravel (version 5.6.23, I checked :( ). Basically I'm reading an associative array created by JSONdecode, and one call is returning the error:
Undefined index : Itemprice //this is the index name
But I've dd()'d the entire JSON to the console and that index certainly exists, not to mention it was working earlier today. Additionally, running isset() or array_key_exists both returns true for that exact index so even the code itself agrees it's an index that exists. I have no idea what is causing the error or where to go from here.
HEre's the code:
foreach($items['ListOrderItemsResult']['OrderItems'] as $item)
//this is the problem line below
$price = $item['ItemPrice']['Amount']; //ItemPrice is problem
$productname = $item['Title']
$quantity = $item['QuantityOrdered'];
$asin = $item['ASIN'];
$total = $price * $quantity;
and here is a dd of the actual array (above it is "$item") with some personal details removed
array:11 [▼
"QuantityOrdered" => "5"
"Title" => "Two Pack...."
"PromotionDiscount" => array:2
"IsGift" => "false"
"ASIN" => "..."
"SellerSKU" => "..."
"OrderItemId" => "..."
"ProductInfo" => array:1
"QuantityShipped" => "5"
"ItemPrice" => array:2 [▼
"CurrencyCode" => "USD"
"Amount" => "30000"
"ItemTax" => array:2 [▶]