OK for those interested, I've cracked it.
It searches html for links then checks if the link belongs to site.
Find ".html" replace with ".app" within the link
Find old links replace with new links within html.
Thanks guys you pointed me in the right direction
function searchHTML($html){
// if the page is used by the app replace all domain pages .html with .app
$domain ='mydomain.com';
$regEX = '/<a[^>]+href=([\'"])(.+?)\1[^>]*>/I';
preg_match_all($regEX, $html, $match); //check page for links
for($l=0; $l<=count($match[2]); $l++){ //loop through links found
$link = $match[2][$l];//url within href
if ((strpos($link, $domain) !== false) || ($link[0]=="/")) { //check links are domain links(domain name or the first char is /)
$updateLink = str_replace(".html", ".app", $link);//replace .html ext with .app ext
$html = str_replace($link, $updateLink, $html); //update html with new links
return $html;