loading xml in php. It is a xml that contains DB query, I want to convert them to real queries:
$myXMLData ="<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<createTable tableName='devices'>
<column name='id' type='INT' autoIncrement='true'>
<constraints primaryKey='true' />
<column name='name' type='VARCHAR(128)'>
<constraints nullable='false' />
<column name='uniqueid' type='VARCHAR(128)'>
<constraints nullable='false' />
<column name='status' type='VARCHAR(128)' />
<column name='lastupdate' type='TIMESTAMP' />
<column name='positionid' type='INT' />
$dom = new DOMDocument();
using this classes, first class is table():`
class Table
var $tableName;
var $columns= array();
public function set_tableName($name)
public function get_tableName()
return $this->tableName;
public function add_column($column)
public function addTableToDatabase()
$query= "create table ".$this->get_tableName()."(";
$name= $this->columns[$i]->get_name()." ";
$type= $this->columns[$i]->get_type()." ";
$inc= $this->columns[$i]->get_autoIncrement()." ";
$null= $this->columns[$i]->get_nullable()." ";
$key= $this->columns[$i]->get_primaryKey()."<br> ";
$query.=$name." ".$type." ".$inc." ".$null." ".$key.", ";
$query=rtrim($query, ",");
echo $query.")";
and column() class:
class Column
var $name="";
var $type="";
var $autoIncrement="";
var $nullable="";
var $primaryKey="";
public function set_name($name)
public function get_name()
return $this->name;
public function set_type($type)
public function get_type()
return $this->type;
public function set_autoIncrement($inc)
public function get_autoIncrement()
return $this->autoIncrement;
public function set_nullable($null)
public function get_nullable()
return $this->nullable;
public function set_primaryKey($key)
public function get_primaryKey()
return $this->primaryKey;
public function Column()
and this is the index file:
foreach($dom->getElementsByTagName('createTable') as $name)
$table =new Table();
foreach($name->getElementsByTagName('column') as $col)
$column=new Column();
foreach ($name->getElementsByTagName('constraints') as $const)
result: create table devices(id INT true false true , name VARCHAR(128) false true , uniqueid VARCHAR(128) false true , status VARCHAR(128) false true , lastupdate TIMESTAMP false true , positionid INT false true)
As you can see it must have 5 output for every column but first column is 5 and others are 4. It seems that the error comes from my loops when I want t parse xml into column class. But I can not figure out how to manage to fix my problem
Can someone please help me with this problem?