After the first iteration of the outer while loop, you will have fetched all the rows from $query_for_categories
. There will be no more rows to fetch from that query on subsequent iterations of the outer while loop.
You can fetch them all into an array first
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($query_for_items)) {
$items[] = $row;
Then use the rows from that array instead of a while ... fetch loop.
while ($category = mysqli_fetch_array($query_for_categories)) {
fwrite($fp, $category["category_name"].PHP_EOL);
foreach($items as $item) {
if ($category['id_category_from_category'] == $item['id_category_from_items']) {
fwrite($fp, $item["item_name"].PHP_EOL);
It does seem like you could probably do this with one query using a join, though. I'd recommend checking into that instead of doing it this way. Based on the column names in your code, the query would be something like this:
SELECT c.category_name, i.item_name
FROM categories c
LEFT JOIN items i on c.id_category_from_category = i.id_category_from_items
ORDER BY c.category_name, i.item_name
Then you could print the items with categories in one loop like this:
$previous_category = null;
while ($item = mysqli_fetch_array($query)) {
// each time category changes, output the new category name
if ($item['category_name'] != $previous_category) {
fwrite($fp, $item["category_name"].PHP_EOL);
// then current category becomes previous category
$previous_category = $item['category_name'];
fwrite($fp, $item["item_name"].PHP_EOL);
I do wonder how you can tell which of the lines in the file are items and which are categories, though. Maybe you should output some kind of indicator for that?