dsj8086 2019-01-19 17:10
浏览 14


So i have a class i have used couple of times for other non YII projects but now i want to use the same class in a YII2 project. I have done some searches but i kind of got stuck along the way. Below is what i have done so far:

I created a folder called "utility" in the vendor directory, the utility folder contains my class named "AT_Response.class.php". So my question is how do i include or call and use this class in my model or controller.

I have checked some links like :



Class Code:


class AT_Response {

    static private $response = array
        '9999' => array('description' => "Unexpected Response", 'definite' => true, 'status' => "Indeterminate"),
        '00' => array('description' => "Success", 'definite' => true, 'status' => "Success"),
        'NNC_AUTH_01' => array('description' => /*"Status unknown, please wait for settlement report"*/"System Error", 'definite' => true, 'status' => "Failure"),
        'NNC_VTU_01' => array('description' => "Ttimed out", 'definite' => false, 'status' => "Indeterminate"),
        'NNC_VTU_02' => array('description' => "Exceeded max number of requests for Phone number per time period", 'definite' => true, 'status' => "Failure"),
        'NNC_VTU_03' => array('description' => "Invalid target MSISDN supplied", 'definite' => true, 'status' => "Failure"),
        '-1' => array('description' => "Not successful", 'definite' => false, 'status' => "Failure"),

    static function getResponseByCode($respCode) {
        if (isset(self::$response[$respCode]))
            return self::$response[$respCode];

        return self::$response['9999'];



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  • doufunuo4787 2019-01-19 21:12

    With a few changes you can use any custom class as a helper component. You need to use namespace and use statement for the existing class you have, see the below

    namespace app\components;
    class Response
         * @var array
        private static $response = array
            '9999' => array('description' => "Unexpected Response", 'definite' => true, 'status' => "Indeterminate"),
            '00' => array('description' => "Success", 'definite' => true, 'status' => "Success"),
            'NNC_AUTH_01' => array('description' => /*"Status unknown, please wait for settlement report"*/"System Error", 'definite' => true, 'status' => "Failure"),
            'NNC_VTU_01' => array('description' => "Ttimed out", 'definite' => false, 'status' => "Indeterminate"),
            'NNC_VTU_02' => array('description' => "Exceeded max number of requests for Phone number per time period", 'definite' => true, 'status' => "Failure"),
            'NNC_VTU_03' => array('description' => "Invalid target MSISDN supplied", 'definite' => true, 'status' => "Failure"),
            '-1' => array('description' => "Not successful", 'definite' => false, 'status' => "Failure")
         * @param $respCode
        public static function getResponseByCode($respCode)
            if (isset(self::$response[$respCode])) {
                return self::$response[$respCode];
            return self::$response['9999'];

    Save the Above class in a file called Response.php in app\components folder if using basic-app or common\components if you are using advanced-app but dont forget to change the namespace in the code.

    You can then call the function getResponseByCode() like app\components\Response::getResponseByCode($responseCode) or common\components\Response::getResponseByCode($responseCode)

    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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