UPDATED upload image to desired directory or say that how to go back to public_html... first i want to go back three steps at public_html directory than i will go to ibank/login/nfs/uploads and upload image here
here is my code details
$tmp_name = $_FILES["profile-picture"]["name"];
$path_array = wp_upload_dir(); // normal format start
$file_name = pathinfo($tmp_name ,PATHINFO_FILENAME).time().".".pathinfo($_FILES["profile-picture"]["name"] ,PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
//$test = $tmp_name . "///" .$file_name;
$imgtype = strtolower(pathinfo($tmp_name,PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
$targetpath = get_site_url().'/ibank/login/nfs/uploads/'.$file_name;
move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, $targetpath );
I wanto go back to public_html and than go to my desired path
here is my path....
ibank is in public_html directory not into wp folder