duanping2695 2016-06-17 15:41
浏览 68

SoftLayer API:需要php示例代码来验证power 8服务器的订单(包ID 242)[关闭]

Can somebody please provide sample php code to verify order for power 8 servers (package Id 242).

The power8 servers seems using presetIds. Will the parameters for SoftLayer_Product_Order.verifyOder(...) be similar to the ones for hourly baremetal server ?

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  • dongyue934001 2016-06-17 20:22

    Hourly pricing is not available for package id: 242 This script could help you to verify an order for Power8 server.

     * This script verify an order for a Power8 Server using a preset Id.
     * The presets are used to simplify ordering by eliminating the need
     * for price ids when submitting orders.
     * Also when the order contains a preset id, it is not possible
     * to configure VLANs in the order.
     * Important manual pages:
     * @see http://sldn.softlayer.com/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Order/verifyOrder
     * @see http://sldn.softlayer.com/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Package/getItemPrices
     * @see http://sldn.softlayer.com/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Hardware_Server
     * @license <http://sldn.softlayer.com/wiki/index.php/License>
     * @author SoftLayer Technologies, Inc. <sldn@softlayer.com>
    // Change the path of your PHP client
    require_once ('C:\softlayer-api-php-client-master\src\SoapClient.php');
    // Your SoftLayer API username and key.
    $username = 'set me';
    $key = 'set me';
    $service = 'SoftLayer_Product_Order';
    $client = \SoftLayer\SoapClient::getClient($service, null, $username, $key);
    // The hostname and domain values required for the server.
    $hardwareNode = new \stdClass();
    $hardwareNode->hostname = 'tested_power8_server';
    $hardwareNode->domain = 'test.com';
    $orderHardware = array
    // The items used for this server.
    // The items can be obtained using the next method: SoftLayer_Product_Package::getItemPrices
    $prices = array
            50357,    // bandwidth id needs to be filled since its not part of the preset configuration
            641       // port-speed id needs to be filled since its not part of the preset configuration
    $orderPrices = array();
    foreach ($prices as $priceId){
        $price = new \stdClass();
        $price->id = $priceId;
        $orderPrices[] = $price;
    // The values used for the container (i.e. Power8 server) that's going to be verified.
    $location = 'DALLAS09';
    $packageId = 242;
     * To get the list of presets run the SoftLayer_Product_Packag::getActivePresets method
     * The values for preset Id are:
     * 80 for POWER8 C812L-S
     * 82 for POWER8 C812L-M
     * 84 for POWER8 C812L-L
     * 86 for POWER8 C812L- SSD
    $presetId = 80; 
    $quantity = 1;
    $primaryDiskPartitionId = 1;
    $useHourlyPricing = false; // Hourly pricing is not available
    $complexType = 'SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Hardware_Server';
    $orderContainer = new \stdClass();
    $orderContainer->location               = $location;
    $orderContainer->packageId              = $packageId;
    $orderContainer->presetId               = $presetId;
    $orderContainer->prices                 = $orderPrices;
    $orderContainer->quantity               = $quantity;
    $orderContainer->hardware               = $orderHardware;
    $orderContainer->primaryDiskPartitionId = $primaryDiskPartitionId;
    $orderContainer->useHourlyPricing       = $useHourlyPricing;
    $orderContainer->complexType            = $complexType;
        $verifiedOrderContainer = $client->verifyOrder($orderContainer);
    catch (\Exception $e) 
        die('Unable to verify order: ' . $e->getMessage());
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