I have created a web app which uses PHPMailer for mailing and its working properly on my local server(Windows OS). However, when I uploaded it to the production server(Ubuntu 14.04.4) it returned an error which says “Message could not be sent.Mailer Error: Extension missing: openssl”.I tried looking for solution but nothing works. Anyway I'm using PHP5.3.6. I hope you guys can help me.
1条回答 默认 最新
- duanneng2014 2017-05-10 02:08关注
You can compile the openssl extension.
first step : download the php source in the version you are using .
then run command:
tar zxvf php-yourphpversion.tar.gz cd php-yourphpversion/ext/openssl/ #notice if you have error "cannot find config.m4" when run phpize , you #should rename the file "config0.m4" to "config.m4" by command #"mv config0.m4 config.m4" /usr/local/php/bin/phpize #here is your php location have install #in my computer ,the php is location in # /usr/local/php/ so the phpize is in # /usr/local/php/bin/phpize #(your php location)/bin/php-config ./configure --with-openssl --with-php-config=/usr/local/php/bin/php-config make sudo make install
then the openssl will install and return a
in my computer it return/usr/local/php/lib/php/extensions/debug-zts-20160303/
finally modify php.ini and restart php-fpm :
extension_dir = "the path return after install" #you should add the return path here extension=openssl.so
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