dongyuan1984 2009-10-24 00:24
浏览 72


This is a terribly beginner series of questions, but after reading through a good 30 SPARQL tutorials I can't seem to wrap my head around what SPARQL is or how to begin using it.

  1. Is it executed on the client side?
  2. Is microsoft somehow going to be able to mess this up?
  3. Can you use a common relational database (SQL)?
  4. Are there particular resources you recommend over others for learning?
  5. Do you feel it is premature to begin investing myself in this?
  6. Best way to get set up and running to start tinkering?

The RDFA examples I have seen are very inspiring. I am currently a big proponent of using microformats but would really like to take it further. I currently develop in PHP, but have only found a Java library.

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  • douhao2721 2009-10-24 05:25

    Is it executed on the client side?

    It could be. But server side execution is more likely IMO. It depends on what you are trying to do with it. (I'm not aware of any client-side implementations of SPARQL).

    Is microsoft somehow going to be able to mess this up?

    Anything is possible. But if you spend all your time worrying about Microsoft you won't get anything done. (If I was an IT entrepreneur, I'd be more worried about software patents and patent trolls.)

    Can you use a common relational database (SQL)?

    To execute SPARQL? No. As a backend for a triple store / SPARQL engine? Yes, though there are technical issues that mean that this isn't the most performant option ... for some kinds of SPARQL query.)

    Are there particular resources you recommend over others for learning?

    Not specifically. What are you trying to learn that you cannot learn from the tutorials?

    Do you feel it is premature to begin investing myself in this?

    It depends on what you have in mind. If you are doing this for fun, its not premature. If you are interested in research, it is not premature. If you are doing this to land a job, it is possibly premature (take a look at the job ads in your area). If you want to make your first million dollars ... your guess is as good as mine.

    Best way to get set up and running to start tinkering?

    Download and install one of the open-source triple-store / SPARQL implementations and try some experiments. My personal preference is OpenRDF / Sesame because it has clean APIs, is well engineered and just plain works.

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