I have the following problem.
I do a while mysql_fetch_arry function to get values from a table.
And i want at each line, in the end, a text field (ammount) and a button (add).
Code looks like this:
<?php while($info = mysql_fetch_array( $data )): ?>
<td id="articlenr" class="width1left"><a href="www.google.de\<?php echo $info['articlenr'] ?>"><?php echo $info['articlenr'] ?> </a></td>
<td class="width2center"><?php echo $info['stock']. " / " .$info['minstock'] ?></td>
<?php endwhile ?>
The second line is for article details, what is working.
So the problem is how can i function wich does a onclick Event on the button and the textfield on each line.
on button click should happen:
- get value from textfield "ammount" (this line) and Articlenr (this line)
- build a link wich ist "....\add.php?article=articlenr(from this line)&ammount=ammount(from this line) 3.open a new window
Thank you for your help :)