I'm trying to create a function to retrieve and display just the Body field of a Drupal node, based on a given URL.
Currently, I've extended the functionality of the standard Drupal RSS to do a detection method. This will happen if you enter the following url: http://mysite.com/rss.xml/page=54
That last part is critical - it tells what node ID to load from. As far as code goes, I've modified the node_feed() function in /modules/node/node.module to do the following:
if (stristr($nids, 'page=') !== FALSE) {
$nid = substr($nids, stripos($nids, 'page=') + 5);
$result = NULL;
if ((string)(int)$nid === $nid) {
$result = db_result(db_query("SELECT `nid` FROM {node} WHERE `nid` = %s AND `type` = 'flashnode'", $nid));
if ($result) {
$item = node_load($result);
While this works, we're worried about it for two reasons:
1) Do the results cache? This is a very heavy-load page that will be called a lot.
2) Is there an "official" way to do this? One that uses modules with caching, instead of a semi-hacky workaround?
Thanks in advance for any guidance. -Tom