dtqqq24248 2012-05-07 23:55
浏览 25


I wanted to incorporate GUMP https://github.com/Wixel/GUMP into my site for server side validation. But unfortunately the documentation is light and I am new to PHP.

Here is my validation code:

$gump = new GUMP(); 
$rules = array(
    'dept'     => 'required|numeric',
    'hosp'     => 'required|numeric',
    'subhosp'  => 'required|numeric',
    'user'     => 'required|numeric',
    'gpo'      => 'required|boolean|exact_len,1',
    'clin'     => 'required|valid_name',
    'clinmail' => 'required|valid_email',
    'comp'     => 'required|alpha_dash',
    'cpt'      => 'required|alpha_dash',
    'past'     => 'required|boolean|exact_len,1',
    'latex'    => 'required|boolean|exact_len,1',   
$validated = $gump->validate($_POST,$rules);
print_r($validated); // Something went wrong

The output from the above code gives me an array like so when I am looking at my AJAX response in FireBug:

    [0] => Array
            [field] => clin
            [value] => .-0
            [rule] => validate_valid_name

    [1] => Array
            [field] => clinmail
            [value] => %$sd
            [rule] => validate_valid_email


And I what I need is something like so:

<div class="error-msg">You did not enter a valid email address</div><br>
<div class="error-msg">You did not enter a valid username</div><br>

From the documentation I get:

    if($validated === TRUE)
    // Do something, everything went well
    // This is where I am stuck. Do I have to loop through and put my <div> tags here?

My question is how would the community handle outputting error messages with this class? My only thought is that I loop through the results above and output different messages depending on the field and the rule that was broken but that seems tedious. Is there a better way or a better class to use that does standalone PHP input validation? I was using another very easy to use class but it started breaking when I moved away from inline PHP to AJAX.

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  • doudinghan8319 2012-05-07 23:59

    edit your code to:

    $gump = new GUMP(); 
    $rules = array(
    'dept'     => 'required|numeric',
    'hosp'     => 'required|numeric',
    'subhosp'  => 'required|numeric',
    'user'     => 'required|numeric',
    'gpo'      => 'required|boolean|exact_len,1',
    'clin'     => 'required|valid_name',
    'clinmail' => 'required|valid_email',
    'comp'     => 'required|alpha_dash',
    'cpt'      => 'required|alpha_dash',
    'past'     => 'required|boolean|exact_len,1',
    'latex'    => 'required|boolean|exact_len,1',   
    $error_texts = array(
    'dept'     => 'You must enter a numeric value',
    'hosp'     => 'You must enter a numeric value',
    'subhosp'  => 'You must enter a numeric value',
    'user'     => 'You must enter a numeric value',
    'gpo'      => 'You must enter a boolean value',
    'clin'     => 'You must enter a valid name',
    'clinmail' => 'You must enter a valid email',
    'comp'     => 'You must enter a valid alpha dash',
    'cpt'      => 'You must enter a valid alpha dash',
    'past'     => 'You must enter 1 char',
    'latex'    => 'You must enter 1 char',
    $validated = $gump->validate($_POST,$rules);
    if($validated === TRUE)
       echo "Every thing is ok";
        foreach($validated as $key=>$error)
            echo '<div class="error-msg">' . $error_texts["{$error['field']}"] . '</div><br />';
    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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