I am trying to compare two arrays and update specific array values based on conditions.
Getting attendance array of absent students:
$array1 =
array("student_id" => "2",
"date" => "2016-04-24"),
array("student_id" => "6",
"date" => "2016-04-24"));
$attendance = json_decode(json_encode($array1));
Getting student list array of all students:
$array2 =
array("student_id" => "1",
"Reason" => "",
"date" => "2016-04-24"),
array("student_id" => "2",
"Reason" => "",
"date" => "2016-04-24"),
array("student_id" => "3",
"Reason" => "",
"date" => "2016-04-24"),
array("student_id" => "6",
"Reason" => "1",
"date" => "2016-04-24"));
$students = json_decode(json_encode($array2));
Taking out only student IDs of absent students:
foreach($attendance as $att)
{ $atts[] = $att->student_id;}
Here I am trying to find out if any of the students ID in student array matches with ID in absent array. If ID is present then I will update the Reason as "1". Else will make the reason as 0
for ($i = 1; $i <= count($students); $i++) {
echo '<pre>',print_r($students,1),'</pre>';
Here I am unable to update student array with "reason" values.