douhushen3241 2019-02-04 11:36
浏览 367

Laravel api将401返回到前端

Well, here is the case: I did build a web application in laravel, used Passport package to build APIs so it can be consumable by another apps. Which works perfectly when Authenticating by Bearer User Token. Now as I decided to consume the same API by new VueJS Front-End, as mentioned here, but it returns 401 code response!

I double checked all the steps, middlewares required to be added to kernel, guards in auth.php and I assured the request is going with all required headers (X-CSRF-TOKEN, X-XSRF-TOKEN,X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest).

I even compared it with another application I've done (which is working perfectly) and it was the same request.

Do anyone has a clue where else to check?

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  • dongtuo6562 2019-02-04 12:48

    it was my fault, when I was setting up my application I didn't run 'composer require laravel/passport' I did run it then run 'artisan passport:install' and all worked.

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