I'm trying to list all PHP files in a specified directory and for it to recursively check all sub-directories until it finds no more, there could be numerous levels.
The function I have below works fine with the exception that it only recurses down one level.
I've spent hours trying to see where I'm going wrong, I'm calling the scanFiles() when it finds a new directory but this only seems to work one level down and stop, any help greatly appreciated.
function scanFiles($pParentDirectory)
$vFileArray = scandir($pParentDirectory);
$vDirectories = array();
foreach ($vFileArray as $vKey => $vValue)
if (!in_array($vValue, array('.', '..')) && (strpos($vValue, '.php') || is_dir($vValue)))
if (!is_dir($vValue))
$vDirectories[] = $vValue;
$vDirectory = $vValue;
$vSubFiles = scanFiles($vDirectory);
foreach ($vSubFiles as $vKey => $vValue)
$vDirectories[] = $vDirectory.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$vValue;
return $vDirectories;