I am now having a problem inserting data in associative array with its key as fields in the table and the values to be inserted into MySql database. Here is my code.
$table = 'articles';
$data = array(
'title' => 'Header',
'content' => 'This is content',
'author' => 'James');
$keys = implode(', ', array_keys($data));
$values = implode(', ', array_values($data));
$sql = 'insert into '.$table.'('.$keys.') values ('.$values.')';
$db = new mysqli('localhost', 'root', 'root', 'blog');
With this code, I wasn't able to insert the data into the database so I try to echo the query string out and I got something like this :
insert into articles(title, content, author) values (Header, This is content, James)
However, if I use the single quote in each value like this
insert into articles(title, content, author) values ('Header', 'This is content', 'James')
I can successfully insert the data into the database.
So I don't know what's wrong here. Is it a problem with the quote sign or not because when I use the single quote, this seems to work.
So please help me find the proper solution for this...