duanmo5724 2015-05-26 14:51
浏览 20

ZF2 - 如何在我的模型中获取应用程序配置项?

In my job I am dealing with a legacy app running on ZF2. There is a model which is sending out a variety of different emails to difference addresses. The one thing they have in common is they all need to BCC to one particular address.

At first, in my head I was cursing the previous developer, for foolishly hard coding the email address 20 different times in one file. I assumed that it would be a piece of cake to grab an application config with a simple call $this->config->get('x') (like in Laravel) or something along them lines. Now I find myself feeling bad, because I understand why the previous dev did hard code the email addresses.

So to the question, how the hell do I grab a config item from application.config.php inside the model? I keep reading about how I need to implement the ServiceLocaterAware Interface. Is this really necessary? There must be a way to grab configs easily, surely?!?

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  • doumindang2416 2015-05-26 15:34

    How the hell do I grab a config item from application.config.php inside the model?

    You shouldn't do so inside, do it 'outside'.

    Register your model class as a service in module.config.php.

    'service_manager' => [
        'factories' => [
            'Email\Model\EmailModel' => 'Email\Model\EmailModelFactory',

    Then create the factory Email\Model\EmailModelFactory, this uses the service manager to fetch the 'email' config key and injects it into the model's constructor.

    namespace Email\Model;
    use Email\Model\EmailModel;
    use Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorInterface;
    use Zend\ServiceManager\FactoryInterface;
    class EmailModelFactory implements FactoryInterface
        public function createService(ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator)
            return new EmailModel($this->getEmailOptions($serviceLocator));
        // Return the email options
        public function getEmailOptions(ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator)
            $options = $serviceLocator->get('config');
            return $options['email'];

    The issue you will now have is all calls to your model classes will have to use $serviceManager->get('Email\Model\EmailModel') (rather than new \Email\Model\EmailModel) in order for the configuration to be injected. Even without seeing any of your legacy application my guess is that this would be difficult.

    The model should not be responsible for sending emails; you could replace it with an service class, e.g. 'EmailService' and repeat the injection example above just for this class.

    EmailService::send(EmailModel $email, array $options);

    This would keep your model independent and there would be no need to replace the calls to new Model etc.

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