doubaolan2842 2012-04-03 03:39
浏览 12


i am trying to create a dynamic multioption select using dynamic values for a shipping cost pulldown,

the array comes in and creates the select input fine but the protected values are omitted. this makes no sense to me. i even tried using a public getter to access the protected value but it still comes in blank.

        protected $_regular     = 4.95;
        protected $_oneDay      = 14.95;
        protected $_twoDay      = 14.95;

        public function getShippingOpts(){

            return array(
                "regular"=>"Regular 5-7 Business Days $".$this->_regular,
                "two-day"=>"Express 3-4 Business Days $".$this->_twoDay,
                "one-day"=>"Overnight 1-2 Business Days $".$this->_oneDay

here is the $form code placed within the form's init function:

    $shType = new Zend_Form_Element_Radio("sh_type");
    $shType->setLabel("Please select a type of shipping")
            ->setAttrib('class', 'co-shipping-type')
    $shTypeToSubmit = new Zend_Form_Element_Hidden('speed');
    $shipping2->addElements(array($shType, $shTypeToSubmit));
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  • dqtu14636 2012-04-03 09:22

    Since you are not creating instance of ORed_Shipping_LabelFactory hence you cannot use instance variables (variables which starts with $this are instance variables) .

       static $_regular     = 4.95;
                static $_oneDay      = 14.95;
                static $_twoDay      = 14.95;
                public static function getShippingOpts(){
                    return array(
                        "regular"=>"Regular 5-7 Business Days $".self::$_regular,
                        "two-day"=>"Express 3-4 Business Days $". self::$_twoDay,
                        "one-day"=>"Overnight 1-2 Business Days $". self::$_oneDay
    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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