dqqg0811 2015-11-12 04:16
浏览 38

如何在Zend Framework 2中传递和显示变量

I want to learn Zend Framework 2, I already install it in my machine, I reached the welcome page, that's good, so when I look it's structure it has a big difference in CodeIgniter or Laravel, my problem is I want to display some text or string in my index.phtml. In my IndexController.php I got this.

public function indexAction() {
    $sample = 'sample string'; // this is what I want to pass in my index.phtml
    return new ViewModel();
  1. How can I pass the variable into my index.phtml ?
  2. How can I display it in my index.phtml?

For example, in CodeIgniter look like this.

public function indexAction() {
    $data = 'Sample data'; // this is sample string that will display in my index.php
    return view('home',$data);
   echo $data; // it will print the string in my $data(variable); 

I'm newbie in Zend Framework 2, I don't have any idea in this framework. help me guys.
Thank you in advance for helping mo to solve my problem.

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  • dougeqiang1619 2015-11-12 08:22

    In Zend 2, you pass any variable you want to use in your view to ViewModel or return an array:

    public function indexAction() {
        $sample = 'sample string'; // this is what I want to pass in my index.phtml
        return new ViewModel(array(
            "sample" => $sample


    public function indexAction() {
        $sample = 'sample string'; // this is what I want to pass in my index.phtml
        return array(
            "sample" => $sample

    You can then access $sample in your index.phtml like this:

    <?php echo $this->sample ?>

    The array key will always be the property name of your view.

    For more information see also:


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