I would really appreciate some help on this. I have a page that shows products in a store using laravel pagination. I have filters on the page based on brands, category, and available products. for filtering the products I am using a checkbox. if a checkbox is checked I use ajax get request and send status via URL to a controller to filter available products.
status =
1 is for available products, and status = 0
is for all products.Url is looks like this:
Here is the situation. I want to know if is it possible to change the variable value in URL and regenerate the URL base on the page number and new filters dynamically? Is it a way to get the URL of the page using jquery and change the values and then change the Url with window.history.pushState("", "", URL);
Here is my ajax:
$(document).on('click', "#only_available", function () {
if ($('#only_available').is(':checked')) {
var status = 1;
url = '/Collections/Newest_Items?status='+status;
} else {
var status = 0;
url = '/Collections/Newest_Items';
window.history.pushState("", "", url);
url: '/Collections/Newest_Items',
type: "GET",
data: {status: status},
cash: false,
function (response) {
I do this by writing the URL by myself. In this situation, I must write the URL after every filter applied to the page. this way I cant get the page the user currently in and it goes back to the first page. But what I want to achieve here is, I want to make the Url dynamically with page number the user currently on with all filters applied to it.