I'm experiencing a weird problem retrieving some data from the database when comparing two dates.
Database structure: Users, reservations, reservation_services, services_price_history
Based on the above tables: An user has many reservations, a reservation have many services, and a service has many price histories.
I need to take all user reservations, then find the service price based on the reservation date.
The problem is that when I add the date comparation condition it's not taking it into consideration
The code:
$users = User::with(['reservations' => function($query) use ($department_id, $date_start, $date_end) {
// reservation services
$query->with(['reservation_services' => function($query) {
$query->join('reservations', 'reservation_services.reservation_id', 'reservations.id');
$query->join('services', 'reservation_services.service_id', 'services.id');
// Find the service price based on reservation date
$query->join('services_price_history', function($query) {
$query->on('reservations.salon_id', 'services_price_history.salon_id');
$query->on('reservation_services.service_id', 'services_price_history.service_id');
// this shoud be the condition that gives us the correct
// price based on the reservation date
$query->where('services_price_history.date_start', '<', 'reservations.date');
// then we use order and limit 1
DB::raw('(services_price_history.price * reservation_services.quantity) as total')
$query->orderBy('services_price_history.id', 'desc');
This is the output:
"date":"2017-10-31", // the reservation date
"date_start":"2017-11-02", // this is wrong
"name":"Tratament ANTI AGE",
"date_start":"2017-10-19", // this is ok
"name":"Tratament ANTI AGE",
I don't really know why but this line on code
$query->where('services_price_history.date_start', '<', 'reservations.date');
is not working as it shoud because '2017-11-02'
is higher than '2017-10-31'
but it shows up in results.
Thank you very much.