dongyin2390 2017-07-02 16:40
浏览 60


I am trying to implement automatic hyperlink function for keywords.

The issue I am having that a keyword can be a part of other keyword. For example: potato, sweet potato. The function has to know not to hyperlink potato in sweet potato..

I am using regex and it actually works on different environments but not in my localhost and not in live version..

Working example:

$keywords_external = array(
  "Sweet potato" => "food/sweet-potato", 
  "Potato salads" => "food/potato-salads",
  "Potato" => "food/potato", 

$data = array(
  'post_content' => 'Sweet potato some text then potato then more text and then potato salads'

foreach($keywords_external as $key => $href) 
  $regex = '/<a\b(?=\s)(?:[^>=]|=\'[^\']*\'|="[^"]*"|=[^\'"\s]*)*"\s?>.*?<\/a>|('.$key.')/ims';

  $data['post_content'] = preg_replace_callback(
    function ($matches) {
        if (array_key_exists (1, $matches)) {
           return '<a href="">'. $matches[1] .'</a>';
        return $matches[0];

echo $data['post_content'];

Works on

Same example does not work in live version..

Any ideas to achieve same thing differently or why it does not might work in live version?


Localhost: PHP Version 7.0.12,
Live: PHP Version,
Live which works: PHP Version 5.4.45

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  • doudou130216 2017-07-02 17:48

    [edit]: since you are dealing with multibyte characters, the code needs to be edited a little:

    I don't know what is your exact problem but, this is the way I will do it (in a single pass):

    // all keys must be lowercase
    $keywords_external_path = array(
        "business analyst là gì" => "business-analyst/", 
        "tài liệu cho business analyst" => "tai-lieu-cho-business-analyst/", 
        "product manager là gì" => "product-manager-la-gi/", 
        "công việc của product manager" => "product-manager-phai-biet-dat-cau-hoi/", 
        "QA là gì" => "qc-la-gi-qa-la-gi/", 
        "QC là gì" => "qc-la-gi-qa-la-gi/", 
        "Kiểm thử phần mềm là gì" => "kiem-thu-phan-mem-ai-lam-chang-duoc/", 
        "Automation QA là gì" => "3-loi-khuyen-giup-ban-nang-cap-su-nghiep-qa/", 
        "Tester là gì" => "tester-thanh-cong/", 
        "kỹ năng của Tester giỏi" => "tester-thanh-cong/", 
        "công việc QA" => "qa-gioi/", 
        "Technical Architect là gì" => "how-to-become-ta/", 
    //change the keys to lowercase (support multibyte characters)
    $keywords_external_path = array_combine(
        array_map('mb_strtolower', array_keys($keywords_external_path)), 
    $data = array(
      'post_content' => '"business analyst là gì" => "business-analyst/", 
                "tài liệu cho business analyst" => "tai-lieu-cho-business-analyst/", 
                "product manager là gì" => "product-manager-la-gi/", 
                "công việc của product manager" => "product-manager-phai-biet-dat-cau-hoi/", 
                "QA là gì" => "qc-la-gi-qa-la-gi/", 
                "QC là gì" => "qc-la-gi-qa-la-gi/", 
                "Kiểm thử phần mềm là gì" => "kiem-thu-phan-mem-ai-lam-chang-duoc/", 
                "Automation QA là gì" => "3-loi-khuyen-giup-ban-nang-cap-su-nghiep-qa/", 
                "Tester là gì" => "tester-thanh-cong/", 
                "kỹ năng của Tester giỏi" => "tester-thanh-cong/", 
                "công việc QA" => "qa-gioi/", 
                "Technical Architect là gì" => "how-to-become-ta/"'
    $base = ''; // only if this is useful
    $keywords_external = array_map(function ($i) {
        return preg_quote($i, '~');
    }, array_keys($keywords_external_path));
    // to quickly discard useless positions (if you have many keywords):
    // you can also do the same with the second letter
    $keywords_first_letter = implode('',
            array_reduce($keywords_external, function ($c, $i) {
                $c[] = mb_substr($i, 0, 1); return $c;
            }, [])
    $pattern = '~'
             . '(?=['. preg_quote($keywords_first_letter, '~') . '])'
             . '(?=\b\w|(?<!\S)\W)'
             . '(?:' . implode('|', $keywords_external) . ')'
             . '(?<=\w\b|\W(?!\S))~iu';
    $result = preg_replace_callback($pattern, function ($m) use ($keywords_external_path, $base) {
        return '<a href="' . $base . $keywords_external_path[mb_strtolower($m[0])] . '">'
             . $m[0] . '</a>'; 
    }, $data['post_content']);
    echo $result;

    demo with several php versions

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