I have undercome a problem when implementing a "Show more button"
The page will initially display 5 rows of data, then on click the button will make a call to a php function through ajax and load more results, ultimately displaying them on the page. It does this very well.
The problem is that each of the divs are clickable in their own right to allow for user interaction. Before clicking the button the first 5 are clickable and work correctly, however after loading the first 10, the first 5 become unclickable and the rest work as expected.
See my code here:
<div class="col-sm-12 col-xs-12 text-center pushDown">
<div id="initDisplay">
// Display all subjects
echo displaySubjects($limit);
<div id="show_result"></div>
<button id="show_more" class="text-center pushDown btn btn-success">Show More</button>
On click of the button the following is happening: JQuery:
$("#show_more").on("click", function() {
/* This bit is irrelevant for this question
$("#addBtn").on("click", function(){
var stag = 5;
$("#show_more").on("click", function(){
dataType: "HTML",
type: "GET",
url: "../ajax/admin/loadSubjects.php?show="+stag,
success: function(result){
var totalUsers = "<?php echo $total; ?>";
if(stag > totalUsers) {
My PHP page and functions are here:
include_once '../../functions/linkAll.inc.php';
$limit = filter_input(INPUT_GET, "show");
if (isset($limit)) {
echo displayUsers($limit);
} else {
header("Location: ../../dashboard");
function displaySubjects($limit) {
$connect = db();
$stmt = $connect->prepare("SELECT * FROM Courses LIMIT $limit");
$result = "";
if ($stmt->execute()) {
$results = $stmt->get_result();
while($row = $results->fetch_assoc()){
$id = $row['ID'];
$name = $row['Name'];
$image = $row['image'];
if($image === ""){
$image = "subjectPlaceholder.png"; // fail safe for older accounts with no images
$result .=
<div class='img-container' id='editSubject-$id'>
<img class='miniProfileImage' src='../images/subjects/$image'>
<div class='middle' id='editSubject-$id'><p class='middleText'>$name</p></div>
$result .= "<script>editSubjectRequest($id)</script>";
return $result;
The script being called through this is:
function editSubjectRequest(id) {
$("#editSubject-"+id).click(function(e) {
e.preventDefault(); // Prevent HREF
console.log("You clicked on " + id);
$("#spinner").show(); // Show spinner
$(".dashContent").html(""); // Empty content container
setTimeout(function() {
$.ajax({ // Perform Ajax function
url: "../ajax/admin/editSubjects.php?subjectID="+id,
dataType: "HTML",
type: "POST",
success: function (result) {
}, 1500); // Delay this for 1.5secs
This will then take the user to a specific page depending on the subject which they clicked on.