douxin2003 2011-07-10 11:46
浏览 38

是否可以使用phing ftp deploy删除远程文件和目录?

Is it possible to delete remote dir via Phing ftpdeploy extension?

I want to cleanup target storage before copying file there.

If this is not possible with ftpdeploy are there any other extensions for Phing which could accomplish this?

It would be also useful to have ability to copy files back from ftp to local host. Ideally it could be good to have port of Ant ftp task.

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  • doqrjrc95405 2011-07-10 12:14

    Phing ftpdeploy has a clearfirst parameter you can make use of to delete everything, in the remote directory but not a specific file.

    For your feature request, the Phing issue tracker is probably a better place.




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