douyue6520 2012-02-01 09:27
浏览 13


am trying to build a point system which checks how much points a user have and gives a specific title to them.

I have prepared a table which the php script can refer to when checking which title should be given to a member.

MYSQL Table structure as follows:
name: ptb
structure: pts , title

For example , if you have 100 points , you gain the title - "Veteran" , if you have 500 points , you gain the title "Pro". let's say i have pts:100 , title:veteran and pts:500 , title:pro rows in the ptb table.

However i stumble upon a confusing fact.
How can i use php to determine which title to give the user by using the ptb table data?

If a user have equal or more than 100 points will gain Veteran for title BUT 500 is also MORE THAN 100 which means the php script also needs to make sure it is below 500pts .

I still not sure how to use php to do this. as i am confused myself. I hope someone could understand and provide me some guidelines.


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  • doujiyong7604 2012-02-01 09:32

    You select all records with enought points, sort the one with the highest score to the top and cut out the rest.

    SELECT title FROM ptb WHERE pts <= $points ORDER BY pts DESC LIMIT 1
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