doubushi0031 2014-02-25 20:24
浏览 53


I'm using the angular-file-upload directive, to upload a file to my server, via a POST request, however I'm getting confused.

I have my input box setup: <input type="file" ng-model="image['file']" ng-file-select="onFileSelect($file)" >

I assign the file to the $scope.upload on select:

$scope.onFileSelect = function($file) {

    $scope.upload = $file;

Now, when I press my "upload" button I want to send some data ($scope.image) to the server, but also my uploaded file so I can get it validated.

I created a Collection service for this, as follows:

    validateUpload : function( data, upload ) {
        return $http({
            method: 'POST',
            url: '/url/to/upload',
            headers: { 'Content-Type' : 'application/json' },
            data: data,
            file: upload

Okay, so now in my controller I can try to upload the data:

Collection.validateUpload( $scope.image, $scope.upload )
    .success(function(data) {

In my Laravel Controller, I can access the $scope.image data quite easily:

return Input::all();

= Object {file: "C:\fakepath\myimage.png", title: "Title", source: "A Source"} 

However, I wish to access my file. According to the Laravel docs I should be able to access this with:


However, it doesn't seem to be grabbing anything at all. For example, running ->getSize() on this complains about trying to access something which isn't an object.

Anyone got any idea how I get that file?

EDIT: Seems after a bit more playing, when I console.log($file); when selected, its undefined, hm.

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  • donglei1973 2014-02-25 22:37

    Try this:

    $scope.onFileSelect = function($file) {
        $scope.upload = $file[0];



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