I am trying to follow this tutorial to install bootstraps in symfony2: https://coderwall.com/p/kzyiaw
When I run this command from terminal: php app/console assetic:dump --force
I get this error:
17:46:25 [file+] /var/www/html/learn-symfony/app/../web/js/06837fc_part_1.js
The source file "/var/www/html/learn-symfony/app/Resources/public/js/vendor/jquery.js" does not exist.
In composer.json, I have the jquery installed in the components directory:
"require": {
"components/jquery": "*"
I can find the directory and the jquery file from route/components but composer is looking in the wrong folder. In config.yml, I have this under assetic configuration:
- '%kernel.root_dir%/Resources/public/js/vendor/jquery.js'
In the Resources directory under the app, the only folders that exist are java and views.
What should I be changing in order for composer find the jquery.js file?