I have followed the tutorial on how to integrate Vue into Symfony (3.3), and it's working just fine.
I'd like to however use vue-router in HTML5 History mode, so with "real" urls instead of hashes. The problem is while that works well when initially loading the index page, that it won't work to open a page with a Vue URL that symfony doesn't know, cause symfony will throw a 404 error and not load the index view with the Vue app.
I'd like to only use symfony for specific route prefixes, like /blog, /api, and for all other routes load the index route that does nothing but load the vue app, but I don't really know where to start.
I assume I either have to change the .htaccess (currently using the exact one that came with the symfony installation) or somehow "catch" routes symfony doesn't know and redirect to the index page - however I'm stuck here since I'd want routes that are not found within the range of the few route prefixes I want symfony to use to still throw a 404 error.