I am curious, and I have been looking everywhere. I am trying to create a three column layout where the left, and right columns are sticky, and the center column is not sticky. I have tried adding the data-spy="affix" to my code, and even set an offset, I can get the left column to become sticky, but the right column when adding the dataspy appears nested within the left column.
Code Below:
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="well span2"><?="Left Column";?></div>
<div class="well span8"><?="Center Column";?></div>
<div class="well span2"><?="Right Column";?></div>
Also, inline PHP code will contain some php scripts later on if you are wondering why it looks funny...
Css Code
.stick_r {
.stick_l {
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="well span2 stick_l">Left Column</div>
<div class="well span8">Center Column</div>
<div class="well span2 stick_r">Right Column</div>
Looks like Center Column is underneath the Center Column. When offsetting it appears way to far to the right.
Instead of