dongran1779 2017-08-14 10:09
浏览 52


In order to disable PHP Warnings, you will need to set the following parameters in php.ini

error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT
display_errors = On


display_errors = Off

The above method will disable warnings for the whole project. Is there a way to disable warnings for only a block of php code, i.e. disable warnings for certain functions or few lines of code?

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  • dongshen2903 2017-08-14 10:10

    Yes, but...

    ideally you'd want to fix those errors (or at least handle them in a correct manner) as it just seems like bad design however what you're looking for is known as the error control operator (@).

    /* Intentional file error */
    $my_file = @file('non_existent_file') or die("Failed opening file: error was '$php_errormsg'");
    // this works for any expression, not just functions:
    $value = @$cache[$key];
    // will not issue a notice if the index $key doesn't exist.

    Note: The @-operator works only on expressions. A simple rule of thumb is: if you can take the value of something, you can prepend the @ operator to it. For instance, you can prepend it to variables, function and include calls, constants, and so forth. You cannot prepend it to function or class definitions, or conditional structures such as if and foreach, and so forth.

    Take note...

    Warning: Currently the "@" error-control operator prefix will even disable error reporting for critical errors that will terminate script execution. Among other things, this means that if you use "@" to suppress errors from a certain function and either it isn't available or has been mistyped, the script will die right there with no indication as to why.

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