I'm trying to parse a number of CSV files from a product feed. I'm using the code below to grab the data from the CSV, and process row by row for insertion in to a MySQL db. For some reason every once and a while the addslashes function seems to skip the escape sequence. What am I doing wrong here?
while (($data = fgetcsv($fh, 2000, ",")) !== FALSE)
$num = count($data);
$nl = 0;
for ($c=0; $c < $num; $c++)
if ($c >= 0)
if ($nl == 1)
$Name = addslashes($data[$c]);
if ($nl == 2)
$URL = $data[$c];
if ($nl == 3)
$CatalogName = addslashes($data[$c]);
if ($nl == 4)
$LastUpdated = $data[$c];
if ($headerRow > 40)
$sql = "INSERT INTO table (name,url,catname,updated) VALUES ('$Name','$URL','$CatalogName','$LastUpdated')";
mysqli_query($connection3,$sql) or die("Can't execute query I001.);