dongtao9095 2017-02-07 12:24
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使用CakePHP 3更改单选按钮输入模板

I would like change structure but it does not work, it's always the same structure. How to solve my problem?

$default = 'wepay';
$options = array('wepay' => 'WePay', 'paypal' => 'Paypal', 'donorbank' => 'Donor Bank');
echo $this->Form->input('payment_method', [
    'templates' => [
        'radioWrapper' => '<label class="radio-inline">{{label}}</label>'],
    'type'      => 'radio',
    'options'   => $options,
    'default'   => $default

But this code does not generate output properly. I want to generate output like below:

<label class="radio-inline">
    <input type="radio" name="payment_method" value="wepay" id="payment-method-wepay" checked="checked">WePay
<label class="radio-inline">
    <input type="radio" name="payment_method" value="paypal" id="payment-method-paypal">Paypal
<label class="radio-inline">
    <input type="radio" name="payment_method" value="donorbank" id="payment-method-donorbank">Donor Bank

My Code generate output like below:

<label class="radio-inline">
    <label for="payment-method-wepay">
        <input type="radio" name="payment_method" value="wepay" id="payment-method-wepay" checked="checked">WePay
<label class="radio-inline">
    <label for="payment-method-paypal">
        <input type="radio" name="payment_method" value="paypal" id="payment-method-paypal">Paypal
<label class="radio-inline">
    <label for="payment-method-donorbank"><input type="radio" name="payment_method" value="donorbank" id="payment-method-donorbank">Donor Bank

Here one extra label field added. How can I remove this extra-label?

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  • doumeng9188 2017-02-07 14:16

    What you are showing there is pretty much the default output, except for the class attribute and the missing for attribute on the label. So what you want to modify most probably is the nestingLabel template, surely not the radioWrapper one:

     'nestingLabel' =>
         '{{hidden}}<label class="radio-label"{{attrs}}>{{input}}{{text}}</label>'

    If you want to remove the for attribute, then you'll have to remove the {{attrs}} placeholder, that way no further attributes can be added to the label element.

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