Im simply passing user data into an SQL database and collecting the data for admin view only, i am usin mysql_real_escape_string() to escape the data, I was told today that htmlentities is better to use, i have always heard the opposite. could do go a little more in depth on this with me. Also as a sid enote, if someone could provide a really good tutorial for PDO that would be wonderful
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我应该使用htmlentities还是mysql_real_escape_string [关闭]
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dongzhuanlei0768 2013-01-12 18:45关注The two do entirely different things. One escapes data for putting into a SQL statement (which is a bad in general: see and the other escapes data for putting into an HTML document. You're basically asking "Should I use a spoon or a fork?"
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- 2012-09-07 18:34回答 1 已采纳 Instead of using if( $this->real_escape_string ) { // PHP v4.3.0 or higher check php version
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- 2010-10-13 14:26回答 1 已采纳 Given that error message, the $db_query you're passing in to the tep_db_fetch_array() is obviously
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