I have added a Bundled Product in Magento programmatically, using all the options / properties of the Simple Product & the use of the 3 methods specifically for Bundle Options:-
- setBundleOptionsData()
- setBundleSelectionsData()
- setCanSaveBundleSelections()
The result is that the newly added Bundle Product shows just fine in the Admin section, with some default values taken of the following properties:-
- sku_type
- weight_type
- shipment_type
- price_view
- price_type
However, this Bundle Product is not showing in the front-end at all, I don't know why. Can please somebody help me out? I have tried searching but to no avail. Please anybody please suggest as to what I'm doing wrong?
Also I need to control the above-mentioned special properties of Bundle Product, so that they can be modified also during programmatically insertion. Can anybody please help me in this point also?
Any help is greatly appreciated.