We're running CakePHP v3.x with a Postgres database. I need to select some records whose latitude and longitude are within X distance from another point. PostGIS has a function that does just this but it seems that I have to right raw SQL queries in order to use it.
I'm not asking for help writing the raw query, but I am looking for confirmation as to whether the raw query approach is the correct way to use this extension while making best use of the framework. I searched and haven't found any libraries to extend the CakePHP ORM to include this. Perhaps there's a third option I haven't thought of.
[NOTE: This does not work...]
public function fetch()
$maxMetersAway = 10 * 1000;
$lat = $this->request->query['lat'];
$lng = $this->request->query['lng'];
$stops = $this->Stops->find('all')
->where("ST_DWithin( POINT($lng,$lat), POINT(Stops.lng,Stops.lat), $maxMetersAway")
$this->set(['stops'=>$stops, '_serialize' => true]);