I am trying to query the google search engine by date to get the first page results then process it. The query I am currently using returns results but not in the date range I set; if I copied the same query into google it works for the date but not from my PHP script. The script returns only current or normal results as if the date parameter was not set. part of the code snippet used is below. The query I am referring to is below as well as in the code snippet posted in the $url variable.
$Query= $_POST['Query'];
$Query=str_replace(" ","+",$Query);
if ($_POST['Start_date']==''){
if ($_POST['End_date']==''){
if ($_POST['Query']!=''){
$url = 'https://www.google.com/search?
echo $url .'<p>';
$html = file_get_html($url);
$linkObjs = $html->find('h3.r a');
foreach ($linkObjs as $linkObj) {
$link = trim($linkObj->href);
// if it is not a direct link but url reference found inside it, then extract
if (!preg_match('/^https?/', $link) && preg_match('/q=(.+)&sa=/U', $link, $matches) && preg_match('/^https?/', $matches[1])) {
$link = $matches[1];
} else if (!preg_match('/^https?/', $link)) { // skip if it is not a valid link