I want to insert one of my mysql tables into elasticsearch for search purposes but I am having problem mapping a timestamp from mysql into ES.
In mysql my timestamp looks like "2015-01-01 15:30:34", I have tried mapping it as "timestamp" / "int" / "long" but nothing works. And looking at the ES docs it looks like ES expect a timestamp to look like "2015-01-01T15:30:34"
with a "T" in it.
Cant I map a normal mysql timestamp as "2015-01-01 15:30:34" into ES?
Second question: Since I only have one table in MySql that I want to be searched I only have that table in ES. And I am doing so by: Every time a new row gets inserted/updated/deleted in MySql that same row gets inserted/updated/deleted right after into ES. Is that the right way to do it? In order to keep the index updated live.
I am using the Laravel package: https://github.com/adamfairholm/Elasticquent
Since thats the easiest one I found for someone whos new at ES.