dourao1896 2010-06-28 16:02
浏览 78


Hy I have a html page in witch I want to open a php page via shadowbox, the problem is in IE 6/7/8 the page is loading but it is not displaing, it works perfectly in FF this is the hole page, the problem occures when you click on at the bottom of the page. I have tried using colorbox and thickbox

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 $(".example7").colorbox({width:"80%", height:"80%", iframe:true});

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       <h2>News Heading</h2>
       <p>A very shot exerpt goes here... <a href="">more link</a></p>

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       <h2>News Heading</h2>
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  <img class="imag" src="images/imag_06.png" width="222" height="222" alt="apa">
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  <span class="stg_s">INSTALATII DE APA<br> CALDA SI RECE</span><br>

  <span class="stg_j">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla ultricies nulla massa. Suspendisse venenatis euismod adipiscing. Donec urna mauris, hendrerit.<a href="#read" rel="shadowbox"> <span style="color:#FFF; font-size:11px; font-family:'Trebuchet MS', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; text-decoration:underline;">Mai mult</span></a> </span>

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  <span class="stg_j1">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla ultricies nulla massa. Suspendisse venenatis euismod adipiscing. Donec urna mauris, hendrerit.<a href="#read2" rel="shadowbox"><span style="color:#FFF; font-size:11px; font-family:'Trebuchet MS', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; text-decoration:underline;">Mai mult</span></a> </span>

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  <span class="stg_s">INSTALATII DE DEJECTIE</span><br><br>

  <span class="stg_j1">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla ultricies nulla massa. Suspendisse venenatis euismod adipiscing. Donec urna mauris, hendrerit. <a href="#read3" rel="shadowbox"><span style="color:#FFF; font-size:11px; font-family:'Trebuchet MS', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; text-decoration:underline;">Mai mult</span></a></span>

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            <p>123This content was taken from a hidden div in this page!</p>

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Thx for you time and help

P.S. Sorry for the earlier question


This is for Michael

$erori = '';
$nr_erori = 0;
$mesaj_trimis = "nu";

if (isset($_POST['submit'])){
    $name_field = $_POST['nume'] ;
    $telephone_field = $_POST['telefon'] ;
    $email_field = $_POST['email'] ;
    $message = $_POST['mesaj'] ;

    if ($name_field == '') { $erori .= 'Campul "Nume" este obligatoriu.<br>'; $nr_erori++; }
    if ($telephone_field == '') { $erori .= 'Campul "Telefon" este obligatoriu.<br>'; $nr_erori++; }
    if ($message == '') { $erori .= 'Campul "Mesaj" este obligatoriu.<br>'; $nr_erori++; }

    if ($nr_erori == 0) {
        $body = "De la: ".$name_field."</br> Telefon: ".$telephone_field."</br> </br> E-Mail: ".$email_field."</br> </br> Mesaj:</br> ".$message;
        $sender = ""; 
        $catre = "";


        $smtp=new Swift_Connection_SMTP("localhost");
        $swift =& new Swift($smtp);

        $message =& new Swift_Message("Mesaj de la formularul de contact al site-ului"); 
        $message->attach(new Swift_Message_Part($body, "text/html"));

        if ($swift->send($message, $catre, new Swift_Address($sender, "Office Site"))) {
            $mesaj_trimis = "da";
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<div id="container2">
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<table width="495" height="475" border="0">
    <td width="278"><?php  if ($nr_erori > 0) {     echo '<div>'.$erori.'</div>'; }  if ($mesaj_trimis == "da") {   echo "<div>Mesajul dumneavoastra a fost trimis. Va multumim !   </div>"; } else { ?>     <form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="">     <input type="hidden" name="submit" value="1" />       <table width="278"  height="362"   border="0">         <tr>           <td width="150">*Nume</td>           <td width="340"><label>             <input type="text" name="nume" id="nume" />           </label></td>         </tr>         <tr>           <td>*Telefon</td>           <td><label>             <input type="text" name="telefon" id="telefon" />           </label></td>         </tr>         <tr>           <td>E-mail</td>           <td><label>             <input type="text" name="email" id="email" />           </label></td>         </tr>         <tr>           <td>*Mesajul Dumneavoastra</td>           <td><label>             <textarea name="mesaj" id="mesaj" cols="16" rows="10"></textarea>           </label></td>         </tr>         
        <td colspan="2">! Campurile marcate cu * sunt OBLIGATORI</td>
      <tr>           <td>&nbsp;</td>           <td><label>             <input type="submit" name="submit_bt" id="submit_bt" value="Trimite" />           </label></td>         </tr>       </table>     </form> 
        <?php } ?>
        <br />

    <td width="207" height="471"><table width="203" height="383" border="0">
        <td height="379" valign="top"><p>Ambulanta Veterinara Mina Vet S.R.L.<br />
          <br />
          Str. Constantin Nottara, Nr.2, Sector 3 , Bucuresti </p>
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              <td height="23">E-mail</td>

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<iframe width="400" height="350" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src=";source=s_q&amp;hl=en&amp;geocode=&amp;q=Strada+Constantin+C.+Nottara,+Bucharest,+Romania&amp;sll=44.420111,26.133664&amp;sspn=0.006774,0.01929&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;hq=&amp;hnear=Strada+Constantin+C.+Nottara,+Romania&amp;ll=44.424708,26.136389&amp;spn=0.021454,0.034332&amp;z=14&amp;iwloc=A&amp;output=embed"></iframe><br /><small><a href=";source=embed&amp;hl=en&amp;geocode=&amp;q=Strada+Constantin+C.+Nottara,+Bucharest,+Romania&amp;sll=44.420111,26.133664&amp;sspn=0.006774,0.01929&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;hq=&amp;hnear=Strada+Constantin+C.+Nottara,+Romania&amp;ll=44.424708,26.136389&amp;spn=0.021454,0.034332&amp;z=14&amp;iwloc=A" style="color:#0000FF;text-align:left">View Larger Map</a></small>


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  • doulu6160 2010-06-28 16:27

    For starters it might help if the $(".example7").colorbox() matched the class of the contact link. Just a guess, though.

    If you don't want to debug this yourself, try stan-js (that IE7 behaviour compatibility thing).

    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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