dtzh131555 2011-11-21 09:04
浏览 45

如何为SOAP Client功能创建适当的xml?

I've spend hours with SOAPClient and still get no result, hope someone can help me. I'm trying to create and send to web-service following code:

POST /PortalServices/PortalServices.asmx HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: length
SOAPAction: "http://***.com/CreateUser"

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
    <UserCredentials xmlns="http://***.com/">
    <CreateUser xmlns="http://***.com/">

To get this xml I use the following code:


class WsService {
public $Id = "****";

class WsServices {
public $WsService;
public function __construct() {
         $this->WsService = new WsService();

class WsUser {

public $Name = 'Sasha Lavasov';
public $Email = 'imsashko@gmail.com';
public $PassWord = 'test';
public $WsServices;

public function __construct() {
        $this->WsServices = new WsService();

   $ini = ini_set("soap.wsdl_cache_enabled","0");

   $soap_url = 'http://***.***.com/PortalServices/PortalServices.asmx?wsdl';
   $soapClient = new \SoapClient($soap_url, array(
       'trace' => 1,
       'exceptions' => true,
       'cache_wsdl' => WSDL_CACHE_NONE

   $hdd = new stdClass();
   $hdd->UserName =   '***';
   $hdd->PassWord = '***';
   $hdd->ServiceName = '***';

   $hd = new SoapVar($hdd, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT);

        $headers = new \SoapHeader('http://***.***.com/PortalServices', 'UserCredentials', $hd);

        // Prepare Soap Client

        $user = new WsUser();
        // Setup the CreateUser parameters
        $ap_param = array(
        'Name' => 'Sasha Lavasov',
        'WsUser' => $user

        $param = new \SoapParam($user, 'WsUser');
        // Call CreateUser ()
        $error = 0;

        try {
        //Build user entity
        $usr  = new WsUser();
        $wsServices = new StdClass();

        $id = new StdClass();
        $id->Id = '***';
        $wsServices->WsService = $id;
        $usr->WsServices = $wsServices;

        $createUser = new stdClass();
        $createUser->user = $usr;

        $createUser = new SoapVar($createUser, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT, "WsUser", "http://***.***.com/PortalServices/PortalServices.asmx?op=CreateUser");

        $pm = new SoapParam($createUser, "user");

            //Here I get xml
            var_dump( $soapClient->__getLastRequest()); die();
        } catch (\SoapFault $fault) {
            $error = 1;
            print($fault->faultcode." - ".$fault->faultstring); die();

        if ($error == 0) {
        //             DO SOMETHING
            } else {


         $res = $soapClient->__getLastResponse();
         print_r($res); die();

But instead I get something like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<env:Envelope xmlns:env="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope" xmlns:ns1="http://***.***.com/PortalServices/PortalServices.asmx?op=CreateUser" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:ns2="http://***.com/" xmlns:ns3="http://***.***.com/PortalServices">


<ns2:CreateUser xsi:type="ns1:WsUser">
<Name>Sasha Lavasov</Name>

And get FALSE as result. In the list of server's functions (using __getFunctions()) I've got following:

CreateUserResponse CreateUser(CreateUser $parameters)

Can anyone help me or just tell where I'm wrong?

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  • dpfw3607 2011-11-24 22:53

    Just a suggestion.

    In your good xml you've:

    <UserCredentials xmlns="http://***.com/">

    but in your PHP you set:

    $headers = new SoapHeader('http://***.***.com/PortalServices', 'UserCredentials', $hd);

    Then you've 2 different namespaces: http://***.***.com/PortalServices instead of http://***.com/




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