doujieju0397 2016-08-05 04:54 采纳率: 0%
浏览 17


I'm working on a SilverStripe site and have installed the blog module.

I have my blog set up with multiple categories such as News, Events, Announcements, Photo Galleries, etc.

The problem I run into is that I want to showcase the latest blog post (title, image, some of the content) of each category on my front page.

I can easily loop the blog post using this solution:


class Page_Controller extends ContentController {
    public function latestBlog($num = 3) {
        return BlogPost::get()
                ->sort('PublishDate', 'desc')


<% loop $latestBlog %>
<% end_loop %>

But I can't figure out how to loop while filtering by a category. For example something like this logic:

return BlogPost::get()
        ->FILTER('Category', 'News')
        ->sort('PublishDate', 'desc')

The idea is to loop News and code it a certain way so it looks different on the front page, then loop Photo Galleries.

I can't find anything that works on how to do this.

Is this possible to do?

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  • duanbushi1867 2016-08-05 05:09

    You want to use the relation method on DataList:

    return BlogCategory::get()
        ->filter('Title', 'News')
        ->sort('PublishDate', 'DESC')

    This will return a list of blog posts filtered by the defined category (news).

    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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